A review by micasreads
We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets


Author: Hanna Bervoets
Narrator: Khristine Hvam
Started: June 23, 2024
Finished: June 23, 2024
Format: Audio
Genre: Literary Fiction

Kayleigh takes a position as a content moderator for a social media platform. The longer she works there, the more she realizes how much it is affecting her and her co-workers - they are becoming desensitized to violent images and seeing the "truth" behind conpsiracy theories. It's not until she does something illegal that she sees what she has become.

This book was short, which I appreciated. This author is well-awarded in the Netherlands, so this is a translation to English. This book has a lot of foul language and inflammatory content, which was hard to hear but works with the context of the story. The characters were unlikeable and cold from the start. This was a take it or leave it book for me.

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