A review by cbell8104
Code of Honor by April White


How do you describe a book that makes a character your spirit animal? I stumbled upon April White purely by happenstance. It has been an amazing fall through the looking glass ever since. I feel in love with the Immortal Descendants and have a fond relationship with Baker Street as I am still a lady in waiting (coughs). However, I am rambling.

Code of Conduct is a brilliant and quirky story. The relationship between Anna and Darius is wonderful. I laughed and got a touch misty eyed. I could relate to Anna and her thirst for little known tidbits of information and their insertion into conversation. Darius was delightful and his need to stick to his code was enduring. Watching these characters come together was a joy. I received this as an ARC but preordered the book. I believe in supporting those that compose the written word that stimulates our imagination.