A review by kitvaria_sarene
One Wish in Manhattan by Mandy Baggot


DNF - such an annoying male main character, I can't care at all about him (and yes im sure that'll be remedied later).
Another super rich man, who's had such a hard time...
Can get any woman, has to buy nice things to be able to live, acts like a douchebag to his employees, but of course - actually underneath it all he will surely be a nice guy..

I love easy christmas chick lit, and of course it is predictable, but this one just doesn't catch my attention at all. The characters all felt artificial too me. The overly clever 9 year old, the single mum who is of course broke but does everything for her child anyway, the gay brother who is a walking, talking cliché, the rich woman who only wants love and do charity.... They all felt like cardboard cutouts to me.
Also the prose wasn't bad, but felt off at some places, and didn't suck me in.

Sadly not my book.