A review by deathcabforlucy
Inferno by Eileen Myles


I kept having to stop reading because the passages were so beautiful, and I had to take them in. But I was wildly confused throughout this book, it was hard to follow. Maybe because I didn’t get a lot of the references which reinforced time changes. I couldn’t even really tell you what this was about, but I liked listening to it. I can appreciate the absolute genius and poetry that were the lines that made it up. Some of my favorite parts:

“The men looked at me like I was the rain. They saw through me to other thoughts.”

“I opened my mouth and cried. About how beautiful love was. How confused I was. The sky held me like a hero.”

“Thinking about a woman while the morning turned blue. I was burning. It was like I took a bolt of lightning and stabbed the world.”