A review by jessicatamm92
Princess in Waiting by Meg Cabot


I had to give this one a four instead of a 5 like the others.. Mia was SO whiney.. She was in Europe yet l she could think about was missing Michael.. That part didn't really bug me. BUT once she got home, she started just acting crazy. First, she goes through that phase where she reads Jane Eyre and thinks she should ignore Michael and basically play hard to get. Okay girl, I just read pages after pages of you missing him and now you're NOT going to call him back? Are you kidding me? I'm glad her mom set her straight. Then, after she finds out she will have to cancel their first date because of the ball, she just ASSUMES he is going to break up with her. *sigh* and don't even get me started on the whole is he in LOVE with me or does he just LOVE me bit.. Geez that part drove me nuts.
I guess Mia is only 14 and in love.. She is expected to doubt herself and their relationship (I mean like Mia said they haven't even been out yet) I'm just looking forward to the future books when she matures a bit. I didnt hate the book of course. I still love this series and enjoyed this book, Mia just annoyed me a bit though.