A review by newtimbuktu
Black Masculinity and Sexual Politics by Anthony J. Lemelle Jr.


A unique take on Black male gender identity as reflected through multiple systems of racial and class oppression, challenging notions that Black men have access to patriarchal privilege and analysis the attempts for white supremacy to operationalize form of uniquely generated violence against Black men. His text is a challenge to white liberal and black nationalists applications of "substantial dutiful" theory, stating Black men are insufficient patriarchs and need to be reintegrated into American white patriarchial norms.

It's not surprising this text has largely been ignored by the American gender studies academy. It challenges simplistic applications of intersectionality which say Black men are always already inherently privileged in relation to women, but the data provided and historical analysis makes a compelling case these assumptions need to be challenged. The text is actually incredibly useful for feminist theory, as it criticizes Black attempts to ingratiate into privilege as quote "political suicide".

It a shame that academics seeking to use empirical analysis to analyze the real material conditions of Black male life seem to systemically ignored by academics whose only intellectual foundation on gender theory is academics raised in and created by (neo)liberal identitarian feminist politics. Academics do themslsves a disservice by doing the intelectual equivalent of looking for their keys under the street lamp.