A review by dreichler
The Affair of the 39 Cufflinks by James Anderson


I loved this book. It is the first book I have read by James Anderson and the third in a triology of books with the same detective. Unfortunately, the author has passed away so there won't be any more. I don't usually read the third book first, but this was the only one the library had.
Anyway, the story takes place in England during the 1920s (?) back when they kept the telephone in a separate closet and everyone smoked. Most of the action takes place in the country mansion of an Earl and centers around the death of a distant relative, the reading of the will and the eccentric family members who gather and murder one of their own. Despite the fact that there is a murder, the action is light and, at times, humorous and the people are interesting and quirky. I did actually guess the murderer before they were revealed, which is very unusual for me as I am normally extremely dense! Another interesting facet of this book, for me, was that there was really no romance in it at all. Usually I like even a touch of romance to add interest but in this case I never missed it. I found the characters so engaging and the action so interesting and fun that before I knew it the book was over. And of course, now that I read and enjoyed this third book of the triology, and given the fact that my library doesn't have the other two, of course I had to immediately go online and order the first two. What else could I do?