A review by lorilaws
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready


What fantastic, fantastic, FREAKIN' fantastic series! I am completely 100% serious when I say that Shade and Shift are two of the best YA books out there right now. My love for this trilogy is knows no bounds and I absolutely think you should read them RIGHT NOW! (Ya know, if you haven't....)

Shift starts off a few months after Shade ended, and in the name of not spoiling anything, I'm not going to say too much about the story. Just trust me you will not be disappointed with one second of it. It's action packed and full of really well done characters. I'm still so in love with the concept of this world. It's unlike anything else in the YA genre. It's almost Sci-Fi. The thought and back story Jeri Smith-Ready has put into the world really makes it come alive. It sucks you right in and if you are like me, the real world just falls away.

Aura and the rest of the characters are in a very different place in Shift. They have all been so hurt. They all really understand the danger they are in this time around. But Aura still doesn't understand her feeling for the boys in her life yet. Sometimes I get really annoyed by love triangles, but if they are well done then I love them! This one is very well done. I loooove both of the boys, but I think I love Zachary more, no I definitely love Zach more! He's Scottish, HELLO! I really love that these books are...umm...HOT too! There's a lot of sexy scenes that you would not expect to find in a YA, but I'm not complaining!

Aura is very lonely in this book. She does some things and makes some choices that I have saw people complain about, but she's having such a hard time I think her actions are very believable. Her mistakes and thinking without acting made me like her even more! She was so well developed.

I'm going to quit gushing now! Just remember that this is a awesome, forgettheworld kind of book. If you haven't started this book or Shade yet, change that. Fast!