A review by sephranix
Bury What We Cannot Take by Kirstin Chen


3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

I loved San San, and Seok Koon's desperation to get her back.

Spoiler tag, just in case.
Ah Liam - Classic brainwashed kid, but very believable. Glad he made the right choice in the end.
Zhai and Lulu - I liked seeing Zhai come to realize that he really didn't know what he was doing and that he'd been living beyond his means, but I could have done without the Lulu side-story. It was clear that she was just with him for the lifestyle and didn't really love him, as evidenced by her immediately leaving to go back to a guy with lots of money once she found out he was broke.

I will say I appreciated her getting the loan for his bank account for San San (even though that plan didn't work) but I think that was less about her feelings for Zhai and more about her connecting with Seok Koon over losing a daughter.

Bee Kim - Glad we found out what happened to her sister, but I thought this could have been fleshed out a bit more? I don't know. I mean, it didn't really explain her actions or make me feel any more or less sympathetic for her.