A review by tylerteacher
McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales by


With a title like “Thrilling Tales” I got this crazy notion that it might include tales that were thrilling. I was sadly disappointed. The title implies that we can fly as high as we want, this is what stories can offer us, but each story just came up with excuses on why we can’t get off to the ground. The better stories let us float an inch or so off the ground. The best was letting us get to a rooftop, but when we expected to fly and we are looking to the sky, anything else is disappointing.
On a commercial note, I was excited to read from a few authors I hadn’t read to get a feel for if I wanted to read more of their work. Based on this book, I do not. Having said that, based on the authors I had previously read that were included here, I can assume this is a poor representation of what they are capable of. I don’t recommend this book unless your idea of the wonders of imagination include you walking down the street on a sunny day and that’s it. Dream bigger and read something else.