A review by nikkisbooknook
Bittersweet Christmas by Nina Croft


Great little vignette in world of The Order!

Winter may be the daughter of Father Christmas (Think Odin not Santa!) but he doesn't exactly exude enthusiasm at her pleas to go work for The Order. But he eventually cracks and makes arrangements for her to do a babysitting job for them. How hard can babysitting be?

Well when it's for a cranky, unwilling vampire it could be quite a challenge. She wants to reunite him with his lonely nephew but as a recently turned vampire John is worries he is more of monster than beloved uncle. Winter can see how desperate John's nephew is, after all how many teenagers would write to Father Christmas? john keeps tab on the boy through his friend who is looking after him, but he has 4 children of his own and you just know that the poor lad feels like an imposition.

John feels a strong pull to the lovely Winter but when the monsters from his past try to take their revenge on him for killing their Alpha, by targeting his nephew, John and Winter are in for a bumpy beginning.

I love this series and Winter was a welcome, cherry little rainbow to John's dark, self isolated little world. It was a shortie in length but it will tide me over to the next novel in the series comes out!
Great world to delve into!