A review by psalmcat
Light Raid by Connie Willis, Cynthia Felice


This was published in 1989, so it's a little dated in its view of the future. Having said that, it's always wonderful to read about an area of the world you know and this takes place in "Denver Springs" (i.e. the mega-city spanning the entire front range of the Rockies in Colorado). The political entities of North America have rearranged themselves so that Quebec has declared war on what used to be the U.S., while "Victoria" (British Columbia) has been neutral in the war and the rest of what used to be Canada is, I think, allied with the former states.

ANYway, the light raids are laser attacks that Quebec has launched against Denver Springs. And the rest of the story is pretty much boilerplate romantic suspense, but with computers and so forth. Oh, and also...the main characters in Denver Springs are Greek-ish. They all have Hellenic names (Ariadne, Gaea, etc.) and wear chitons and robes.

It sounds bizarre, and it is (I've left out the subplot about the water biots, which is primary to the story, but difficult to explain briefly), but it works. Generally. I like Connie Willis's imagination.