A review by polyreader
Fauna by Donna Mazza


I may need time to put my thoughts into coherent sentences as it’s late.
*edit* here's my review.

OK. This book is such a difficult one to review. On one hand, I love books that talk about motherhood in frank and vulnerable ways, and this book did that well. However, I have too many grievances with the book as a whole for that element to make up for the parts in which it lacked.

Firstly, this is such an interesting and promising concept to write about and I commend the author for taking it in her stride. Being based in Australia made for another element of enjoyment for me. There were many descriptive passages about Australian bird-life (fauna), landscape and flora. But it all just felt a bit lost.

I really wish there had been stronger character development – the first section of the book (the protagonists pregnancy) felt like a completely different writing style to the latter half of the book. At first it felt plot driven and I assumed we didn't need much character development due to wherever the story was headed... but unfortunately it didn't really go very far. Was I reading a thriller? A sci-fi? A family drama? The latter felt more descriptive and lyrical (as mentioned above) which proves the writer can put together a beautiful story... but I don't think this book demonstrates her ability very well.

To sum it up – this is a family drama, which at first follows the protagonists (sci-fi/unlikely) IVF experience, and then the life of the family once that baby is born. My major grievances were with the plot, the lack of character development, and the length. It could have been much more enjoyable at half the size (emphasising the writers strengths).

I'll definitely read Mazza's next book, because I can see how well she can write, but this was a miss for me.

Also - I reeeeally hate writing negative reviews. People that write books are incredible and I take my hat off to everyone who has accomplished that.

**Anyone who is after a great sci-fi/dystopian book about pregnancy/motherhood and or IVF - read XX by Angela Chadwick.