A review by lynseyisreading
Grave Witch by Kalayna Price


Ah, now this is why I love reading. Discovering awesome books like this. I'm not even sure I can explain exactly why I loved it so much, or what makes it stand out for me above other Urban Fantasy books with similar themes. But I just absolutely loved it.

The plot was based around a murder mystery that was written with perfect balance; neither too complicated nor too easy to work out. There were many twists and turns right from the offset to get you engaged and furiously turning pages so that you almost didn't notice the initial world-building and setting up of characters that always exists in a first-in-series book. The writing style felt very conversational and it was just an effortless read.

To give you a head start on the world-building, it's an alternate history Urban Fantasy. Anyone familiar with Rachel Morgan's world in the Hollows series will find this world easy to acclimate to. In this case, it's been around 70 years since both the Fae and Witches came out of the mushroom ring, and they now live side by side with the norms. There are different types of Fae; ones who appear as humans, and other more traditional creatures such as goblins, trolls, brownies, etc. There are also different types of witches. Our leading lady is a Grave Witch. She can connect to the World of The Dead and can see ghosts and raise Shades. Shades, unlike ghosts, are only the memories of a life lived, they are unable to lie and can only answer questions about their life. You cannot interact with them beyond that. So they are useful for the purposes of identifying their own killers in murder cases, which is generally what Alex Craft, our lead protagonist, is drafted in for.

The initial hook comes when Alex is asked to raise the Shade from a body, that for all Alex can tell, is not a body at all. She also meets the lead detective on the case, Falin Andrews, who is a mystery in and of himself.

There was a romantic subplot to this book that was fascinating, gripping and rather sexy. And also completely infuriating, complicated and unresolved! I loved it and I can't wait to see where this part of the story goes, particularly with what is revealed towards the end of the book.

This book is going straight to my Favourites shelf. If you like The October Daye series, The Hollows (Rachel Morgan) series and/or The Walker Papers series, you will love this too!