A review by thiscryptidreads
Sinking Sands by Monica Boothe

Did not finish book. Stopped at 73%.
I tried to push through this book so much but even after 50% of the book I just did not like the main character. She is so absorbed with her parents hunt for a treasure that might not be real and supposedly claimed her father's life she was willing to throw everything away, she alienated her crew, kicked her first mate off the ship to seem tough for disagreeing with her (even though he was looking out for her) and put all her faith in a guy she didn't know because he believed her about the treasure. 

I stopped when they got captured (because of course they did) and her maybe double-crossed love interest comes to save her because he loves this mystery treasure, (he just found out about) possibly more than her. I'm sure there's probably a happy ending to this, maybe she finds the treasure, and they live happily ever after rich and full of "I told you so" but honestly, she did all her crew dirty, and I doubt even being right in the last 30% of the book would make me like this teenage captain at this point. It just felt like a story about how to make everyone lose faith in you and ruin every friendship you have because you have to be right.