A review by sonofthe
Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0 Issue 20 Time Travel by Rachael K. Jones, Kay T. Holt, David Austin, Bart R. Leib


[a:Rachael K. Jones|8364129|Rachael K. Jones|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]' Makeisha in Time was my favorite from this issue. Makeisha lives scores of lives in the past and tries to reconcile what happens to her with her present life. Makeisha isn't your typical protagonist, either, one of Crossed Genre's strengths.

The ending was the only part that didn't work for me. Not that it wasn't good by itself, just that it didn't feel consistent with the rest of the story. It felt like it cut off too quickly.

My first read through [a:David Austin|65504|David Austin|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png]'s Static was charming, but, again, left me wanting something more. The brief snapshot in the snow was a lovely little look back at what we might miss in the future.

Austin's interview at the end added a bit of perspective, though. Now that I know the story was a Valentine's Day gift to his fiancé, it adds a bit of sweetness as well.

The ending of Jane Elliott's Time Crash also determined how I felt about the story overall. Catherine was an interesting character, and the ambiguity of the story in its means of time travel gave some interesting stuff to think about. How does obsession affect how we relate to the world? Is it as impotent as the story suggested to me?

I'm interested in seeing more stories from each of these authors.