A review by emilyjmead
Faking It by Gabrielle Tozer



Also, I need a Josie in my life.

(although there's a distinct possibility I AM the Josie...)

ANYWAY, this was absolutely fabulous. I laughed and I cried and I cringed. Full review soon, but you're all going to love it.


I just…I can’t even with this book.

I can be rational. I CAN BE. Seriously. I can discuss this book analytically, with great intelligence and wit, and I can…I can do it.

Okay, I can’t.

Do you really need a reason? We all know I have superb taste in books. You should be running to the bookstore already. I mean, I read it THE DAY IT ARRIVED ON MY DOORSTEP (which was very convenient, by the way).

But just in case you don’t trust every word I say (in which case, you should reflect very deeply on your values), here are some reasons you should read it.
Josie Browning.

The secondhand embarrassment is strong with this girl. Within the first couple of chapters, I was cringing so much I debated about whether I should continue (it was a very short debate…I needed to see what happened). Let’s just say that I’m SO glad I’ve never been in her situation.

It was hard to read, but even harder to stop.

But Josie is seriously such a great character. She’s real, she’s awkward, she’s passionate, smart, unsure of herself, navigating a world completely new to her – and rocking at it, by the way. She always tries to fix her mistakes and I really admire her for that.

The author and I have even come up with a hashtag – when you do something clumsy or goober-ish, you’re #pullingajb

I think it’s pretty excellent.
And the plot is awesome, too.

In contemporaries it’s usually about the characters. And this is no exception. But Faking It also has a really great (slash cringe-worthy) plot, and the way it all ties together is brilliant. So what if some parts are unrealistic? If I wanted realistic I’d read non-fiction, and who wants to do that? Nobody.

We’ve also got some sisterly stuff going on.

Her sister Kat is kind of a brat. Hey, that rhymes. But I love how their relationship develops in this novel. That was nice.
You will probably pee your pants.

Yes, it’s that funny. Here’s a snippet of conversation between my sister and me:

Emily: *laughs her arse off*

Sophie: oh my gosh, shut up, I’m trying to watch some stupid show.

(it may have been Pretty Little Vampires or the Liar Diaries or something. Not entirely sure)

Emily: no, Sophie, it’s so funny.

Sophie: am I going to cringe? Is it going to be painful to read?

Emily: Yes. You’re going to love it.

Sophie: …give it to me when you’re finished.

(she’s reading it right now…I’ll let you know what she thinks of it)

BUT ANYWAY, yeah, this book is hilarious. Which should be reason enough to get it.

Amid the hilarity, there are also some really heartfelt, genuine messages to be taken away from this book.

I admit to tearing up a little. BUT JUST A LITTLE, okay? Don’t go thinking I have a heart or something. But yeah, the end of this book was just lovely, and I love Josie so much and I love these books so much and I just. Asdfghlkhdltkhdt. Seriously. That’s all I can say.

I have no more words left.

Was that intelligent enough for you?
So, in a nutshell:

All the best parts of The Devil Wears Prada, all the best parts of The Princess Diaries plus its own incredible cast of characters and a kick-ass plot.

Read it.