A review by cherylkaye1
Cover Him With Darkness by Janine Ashbless


Cover Him with Darkness is a dark and gritty story that keeps you turning pages long after you should have turned out the lights and gone to sleep. For me it felt more like a romance than erotica, there are just a couple of real sex scenes with other mentions but this didn't lessen my enjoyment of the story at all. I really enjoyed it, and as soon as I finished it I was eager to find out when sequels will be forthcoming (no news as yet). Having only read short stories from this author before I had no experience of her novels but if this is an example I will be looking out for more.
The main character, Milja is believable and someone you feel yourself empathising with. You understand her choices, and what motivates her. This was a fascinating look at religious beliefs and fantasy, and you can see how much research the author has done to make events, if not quite believable then realistic.