A review by renpuspita
Night Vision by Yasmine Galenorn


3 stars

I plan to give this book higher if only I don't come into part that turn my mood sour. We already into 4th installment, so I guess all I write from here will be spoiler of sort, but I'll do my best to make it less spoilery.

TW first, there's sexual assault, rape (happen off-screen), cheating, violence toward women.

Let's address what I think is bad. I already stated from book 1 to 3 that I dislike Lannan and my opinion still didn't change. I think Galenorn maybe write him as anti-hero of sort, but all I read is how he like to humiliate Cicely over and over. I assume Galenorn write him as a character with dark trait that means he's unapologetic of his action and he admit that he desire Cicely to the point it comes as unhealthy obsession. That doesn't mean I want to like it. I dislike the part when he sexually assault Cicely, when she is sexually high because of Blood Fever in book 2, Night's Veil. What make me surprised is, in this book, to make Cicely accept Lannan's sexual offer is...yes, Blood Fever. Again. And to make it worse, Grieve accept it because if not, Cicely will die. I rolled my eyes over and over when read it. What supposedly to be a sexy chapter, I find myself skimmed. ME! Skimmed over sex scenes. THE SHOOK!

I feel sorry for Grieve, to get cuckolded like that *facepalm. He know it, Cicely know the consequences and she repeat to Grieve that her heart always belonged to him. I called it as BS, like, OMG, if you want Lannan from the first there's no need to make excuses. If Galenorn want to write about throuple or polyamorous relationship and I know she's no stranger to this like what she did with her Otherworld series, I will..okay, okay. I just hope, she didn't half-assed write it. Make it believable, make it TRULY work. Cicely herself said that lucky for her that Lannan didn't rape her, didn't sexually assault her, only abused. I said, WTH, because he totally did that in book 2, Night's Veil!! Goodness, the amount of excuse to make what Lannan and Cicely do to work even Cicely said that it's just a release make me almost throw up. She said that Lannan will deliver what her darkest desire craving, because in the past she's connected to Myst. Girl, supposed that Grieve can do that because he's also part vampire since he's Indigo Fae? Is he supposed to be your One True Love?? To think that in the next book, Cicely might having sex with Lannan again and have polyamorous relationship since for Fae, sexual fidelity is non-existent as long the heart remain true. OMG, I can't even. I can accept infidelity, cheating as long there's believable story behind that, that can convince me to consider my value. As long as I know, there's none in this book. Well, maybe the part when Cicely's father did it, but it's not cheating at my book per se, because his wife, Lainule know that what he did is necessary. Because if not, Cicely won't born. I read another review and I'm glad I'm not the only one that got bothered with this Cicely-Lannan fiasco. Heh.

I want to DNF'd the book, but I want to know if Geoffrey and Leo (that little SOB) got their comeuppance. They kinda did, but to my disappointment, it feel flat. At least Galenorn did right to Leo, what she half-heartedly try to make Lannan as anti-hero. Leo is a truly antagonist, a 2D evil character, but at least he lived (or undead, since he's vampire now) to his jerkiness. I just hope, he got tortured over and over because what he did to Rhiannon, as really raped and sexually tortured her, but it kinda didn't happen. Hence, the disappointment. I also hope that, it's unnecessary for make a woman character come back stronger because she had been sexually assaulted. Poor Rhiannon.

Anyhow, despite my annoyance, I do enjoy large sum of the story. Like, truly enjoy (after my mood turn sour after the Lannan-Cicely scenes). In book 1 to 3, the story is very action packed and seems like our girls can't catch a breath. In Night Vision, I liked the part when Cicely embraced her new roles as Queen of Winter Court. The magical atmosphere work wonders, it's feel solemn and heartwarming despite the icy settings. I also like how the sisterhood still going strong and liked that Galenorn insert the way behind Fae naming system, because, like Cicely, I find it odd that some Fae have nouns or adjectives as their names (like Grieve, Chatter, etc) while others have otherworldly name like Lainule. Also, poor Peyton, girl have going through SO MUCH, I want to hug her.

Cicely...sigh, I don't know what to said about her. I still pissed off to read her back-and-fro feelings to Lannan, while in the other side she assured Grieve that she only love him. If you really love romance, I can't said that Indigo Court truly romance. The romance just a lil bit aspect of what I said as an urban fantasy series, and if you dislike potentially polyamorous relationship, maybe it's will be hard to read. Although, Cicely kinda grow a bit and she come to know how to be responsible (hey, she's a Queen now!) and how to restraint her power so it didn't overwhelm her.

One book left to the final showdown between Cicely and Myst. One book left to read about...sigh, Lannan. Not that I hated him, I just hope if only he didn't come as sadistic person that love to humiliate our heroine, maybe I will looking forward to read his relationship. All I get from him is just this bully-vibes. And how Galenorn, via Cicely, insist to reader that Grieve is really the end-game.

Oh well, I can still live and we will see what my last opinion will bring after I read the last book.