A review by skywalkyrie
Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare


Matthew Fairchild you little piece of shit. You have no excuse for the way you treat your friends and how INSUFFERABLE you are most of the time but most importantly how the hell do you behave like that with your OWN PARABATAI ????

I am a Matthew Fairchild hater and i have no shame about that. Trauma and hardships are NOT a reason to be a shitty human (or nephilim).

James my beloved i am so sorry you made some mistakes but gods you must be tired of being constantly manipulated.

Daisy oh Daisy. My girl you ARE a hero who need to believe in herself. AND STOP BEING BLIND TO THE LOVE OF YOUR OWN HUSBAND FOR THE ANGEL'S SAKE.

i will start the next book with hope and happiness in my heart (no. im lying. im absolutely wrecked)