A review by melanie_page
Elegantly Naked in My Sexy Mental Illness by Heather Fowler


Check out the top-ten interesting things characters do! (One includes pooping in the front yard).

Listen to Heather give context to and then read a historical piece (beware: a baby gets eaten) here.

There are so many kick-ass girls in YA. Are authors of literature keeping up? Find out here!

Why would someone write a collection full of characters with mental illnesses? It's not as simple as you might think! See why at HTMLGIANT.

I've read all of Fowler's books, with the exception of one (and it's because I'm busy, dammit). Suspended Heart, if I remember correctly, consists mostly of ghostly or fairy tales--nice, sweet stories that I enjoyed and reviewed for American Book Review. People with Holes was a bit more of a sexy romp, a place where a tiny penis might actually be a great prize (it's like a vibrator, you see). There were also stories of being wounded, and the process of healing.

I have This Time, While We're Awake, but that is the one I haven't had a chance to read yet. A review is forthcoming at Grab the Lapels soon, but it's being read by a guest reviewer (whom I am not sure knows Heather's tiny-penis-vibrator history...hmmm (and also, hehe!)).

Elegantly Naked in My Sexy Mental Illness reads more like a serious "grown-up" book. There are some serious pieces that are really sad. I found these to be the historical stories, typically set during world turmoil (revolutions, holocaust, plague). Mental illness, as noted in the title, is another theme. Some of these characters aren't diagnosed as mentally ill, but we sure hear about them in society: the stalker, the paranoid person who cycles around in her own brain, the man who doesn't want to be "owned" by a woman.

My absolute favorite story is of Treble Ann; I want her to be the stuff of novel-length. She would then go on my "girls gone wild" bookshelf (no connection to stupid video of college boobs).