A review by ash_ton
The Poison Garden by Sarah Singleton


What a trip man. At first, I dreaded picking this book up to continue reading. The writing style just seemed so tedious to me. I can't say I agree with the demographic that the book picked. Eleven plus? If I, a 19-year-old English major, was trudging through this book, I can't imagine how an eleven year old would do it.
It got better around page 72. I can't say it was amazing, but it was at least bearable. The plot was thickening, things were happening. I found myself not really feeling a connection to Thomas, the main character. Just wasn't doin' it for me. He seemed the least 3D to me. Other's might feel differently, this is just my opinion, obviously.
I really liked that the author was able to incorporate such a futuristic idea into an earlier time period (1800s). That actually worked out pretty well.
As for who dunnit, I can honestly say I never saw it coming. I'm sure a lot of people did, but as I've said before, I can be a little dense sometimes. As for my prediction that Karsch didn't actually die and somehow escaped into the box, I was at least half right and I'm so proud of myself for that.
All in all, I liked the ending. I think it wrapped up pretty nicely. I might even give it 3.5 stars.

I hope this review was cohesive enough. I think it's my first real one I've ever written, and my thoughts tend to be all over the place (it's also 2:30am soooo). Thank you for reading, if you've come this far.