A review by maureensbooks89
Untamed by S. C. Stephens


In ‘Untamed’ we get to read the story of Griffin Hancock, one of the members of the successful rock band the D-Bags. Griffin has everything he ever wanted: a hot wife, a great job as the bassist for one of the world’s hottest bands, a beautiful daughter and another one on the way. Nothing can go wrong for Griffin. At least that is what he thinks. But having everything isn’t enough for Griffin. Griffin wants even more fame and money and he honestly believes he deserves to get it. But soon Griffin is losing his way around the money and the fame and he makes a decision that could make him lose everything.

The first thing that I want to say about this book is OMG. I honestly have never read a book before in which I really disliked the main character for the bigger part of the book but still really loved every minute of reading it. But this book changed that. The main character Griffin was an incredible unbelievable unkind arrogant person! I was really shocked to get to know this character because he was just horrible. Griffin was just so arrogant, and he really was terrible to his bandmates. The only person Griffin was kind for was his wife.
But, slowly on I began to see that Griffin wasn’t this arrogant unkind person all the time. Griffin really was the perfect example of a person who couldn’t handle the fame and took everything for granted. He had everything and just kept wanting more without doing more work. And although reading about him frustrated me many times, I slowly on began to love his character and began hoping he could get back to the life he lost.

This book was such an incredible read. I loved reading about Griffin and his marriage to Anne. They were definitely a strange couple but I loved their relationship. They were so unique and fun, and you could really see that they were madly in love with each other. Even on the moments Griffin was being a total ass. The best parts of this books were definitely the parts about Griffin and Anne, but I also really loved reading about Griffin’s journey to getting his life back.

I read this book in just one day. I literally dropped everything and didn’t stop reading until the very end. S.C. Stephens has such a great and addicting writing style and I can’t wait to read more books by her. I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. This is a fun, romantic story about taking life for granted and fighting for the things you want. Ow.. and above all its about sexy rock stars… Sigh.