A review by inked_orca
Angel by Janie Crouch



Thanks to her father cheating the town’s people out of money then disappearing, Jordan has been called a thief, a liar and a con artist. It was her father’s deeds that wrecked her life, and now another name has been added to it after falling asleep behind the wheel and killing two people. Murderer.


Her boss’s brother offered to pay her to quit her job so that she could not con his sister. She loved working with Violet, so he won’t make her quit.

Gabriel, aka Angel, makes a fool of himself when it comes to Jordan, insulting her twice in a short time. He never expected that she would ever speak to him again. Gabriel saw how the people of the town treated Jorden when the bakery burned and she was hurt. That made him swear to be her garden angel.


Each seems interested in the other and they both share a love for coding. But when things get better, an old ghost appears. Things will get heated and their relationship will be tested.

I enjoyed the few glimpses of these two I saw in the previous book and I loved reading their story from their viewpoint. Ever since Jordan was introduced in the series, I’ve been curious about her. She seemed lost and lonely. Having Gabriel as her champion only added to her strength to face the world. I love Gabriel, but he kept saying all the wrong things when he got angry. Jordan had enough of the townspeople’s hurtful words, and he was proving them right. I also loved how he would own up to every wrong he did. These two are a favourite of mine now.


I enjoyed every word in this book. From its annoying, steamy, romantic moments to its heartbreaking ones. Everything about it is good, from the plot to the characters to the setting in Jordan’s land. Seeing glimpses of Dorian and his Wraith makes me more excited about reading his book.

This romance suspense series is a favourite of mine.