A review by pixiejazz
Lurking in the Deep by Beth W. Patterson, Jef Rouner, Jaidis Shaw, Timothy Black, Scott A. Butler, Jacqueline E. Smith, Shelly Schulz, Andrea L. Staum, Isabelle Poldervaart, Michael Cross, Liz Butcher, Kelly Matsuura, K.C. Finn, Emma Michaels, E.M. MacCallum, Terry Alexander, Gina A. Watson


Lurking in the Deep is a collection of short stories revolving around the various things that may be hiding out in the dark depths of rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water. Most of the stories are horror, but some are a little more tame.

In all honesty, I was excited to read this collection, as the ocean does terrify me(as do most large bodies of water), and I love horror stories. However, I was a tad disappointed by this one.

There were two stories that really, really thrilled me and scared me. One was called A Senseless Eating Machine. I don't want to spoil anything about the story, but if you have a fear of sharks, this one may get under your skin. It's pretty crazy, but also pretty awesome. I think it's my all-time favorite in the collection.

The other one was called Tubular Hells. It takes Australian myths to a whole new level. It scared me, fascinated me, made me want to visit Australia, and made me very happy.

A lot of the stories involved mermaids and sirens, but there were a few that thought outside the box. Out of the 16 stories in the collection, the new I mentioned above were the best, in my opinion. There were probably 4 or 5 that were decent, and the others I didn't care for at all.

If you're looking for something new and different, and you enjoy short stories about the ocean and what may be lurking in those waters, pick up a copy of Lurking in the Deep. You just may find yourself thinking twice before going to the beach.

Overall, I'd rate this collection of stories 3.5 stars.