A review by reasie
Impossible Things by Connie Willis


I had high hopes of enjoying this since I simply adored "To Say Nothing of the Dog" and "Doomsday Book" but I guess Connie Willis' short fiction isn't as appealing to me. The first story "The Last Winnebago" was dated in amusing ways - you know how it is. We can foresee all these future tech advances - her characters have ring tones that identify callers, but their phones are tied to their homes and cars, not carried around. The main character is photographer and has FILM. Actual film. Wow. I forgot that used to be a thing.

BUT... of course it's easy to snicker at failures of prognostication in science fiction. The story has a very tight plot, complex and neatly tied up at the end, which I think is Willis' strong suit.

My favorite story was the second-to-last one, "Jack", a tale of London during the blitz that doesn't pull any punches - also considered a Willis strong point.