A review by ephermeyal
Gaijin by Remittance Girl

I don't know how to rate this. Everything that happened was so horrific and messed up and I wouldn't wish what happened to anyone at all.

Reading this made me feel as trapped as the main character and it was so agonizing. So, I guess kudos to the Remittance Girl for being able to write a story I can feel so viscerally.

One experience is enough. I wouldn't subject myself to this torture again.

What bothered me is how it was depicted in such a way that people not aware that a body can orgasm even in non-consensual situations and that doesn't mean that they enjoy it will read this and think that this is acceptable. Maybe I just missed the emphasis that what happened was abuse and rape even if the victim didn't jump off the balcony in my rush to get this done as fast as I could.

But my point still stands. I hope there was at least a disclaimer somewhere because there were some passages where the woman was blaming herself and was like, "he was right, I didn't try to fight that much". AnD nO!!! NO NO NO NO!!!