A review by astheplotthickens24
The Dark Forest by Jennifer Bene, Maren Smith, Tabitha Black, Maggie Ryan, Zoe Blake, Addison Cain, Alta Hensley


-A strong feeling of sickness due to the things that the sadists in this stories put inside the rectum of their partners. It's so fucking disgusting, so if you have a faint heart then leave this book UNREAD.

Loss of Appetite
-You may not be able to eat for a whole day, simple food may remind you of things that you should never think of while eating. For example, soup will remind you of a specific type of body fluid with a color of white. A hotdog and an egg will remind you of you know. So if you wish to eat your everyday fill THROW THIS FUCKING BOOK OUT OF YOUR WINDOW NOW.

Spacing Out
-You may find yourself spacing out, you will think of your life decisions and see if reading this book was the worst thing you've ever done (which of course it is).

A Phantom of Pain on your Backside
-Each time you read a scene about things that were being entered inside a girl's backside you will fucking grimace and wince as though you were the one being punished. You'll be afraid to even poop (believe me, I know)

Lack of Sleep
-Each time you close your eyes, you will see things playing out in your mind and trust me when I say that it's not erotic at all.

Consider Being a Nun
-After reading this book, you will consider being a nun. Simply because being a forever virgin and asexual sounds promising than experiencing the things that you were about to read in this novel.


First of all, how come I possess this type of book?
My cousin is huge fan of erotica, she bought this book using my kindle and ask me to read it in exchange of a McDonald meal and who would refuse that? No one right? Especially not me. Lol

This book started well, it wasn't that harsh at first but then the rest of the stories came and each were more disturbing than the last. I never had any idea what BDSM means before reading this novel and now my eyes are tainted. The Darkest Forest is an erotic retelling of seven fairytale stories that we are all really aware of.

-Beautifully Primal- by Zoe Blake
You hear the bark and fear the bite but cannot escape the Beast's dark embrace. Your wild nature calls to his own and demands to be tamed. Resistance will not be tolerated, the Beast will have his way.

Of all the stories this one was the most inoffensive of them all.
This is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and was also the safest way to get turned on of all the seven erotic tales. After reading this one and between starting the second you will begin to question whether you did the right thing of opening this book in the first place.

-Sleep, my Beauty- by Alta Hensley
In this world, everything was forever. The belief of hope had long expired, and no one believed or lived by looking toward the future for a possible good outcome. Hope dissipated right along with the sunrays—nothing but grey, dread, and despair in its place.

A retelling of Sleeping Beauty.
This was not erotic at all. It has the dystopian feels in it and while there is an intercourse going on, it doesn't feel right and feels more like a rape.

Saving Ella by Tabitha Black
Seduced by his music and drawn to his gaze, she will kneel before him; his to obey. If you tremble and wince at the thought of such blind obedience then this may not be the tale for you. But if the thought of absolute control makes your heart flutter, then turn the page!

This is where the masochist and sadist thing started. Compared to the next retellings --after Cinderella-- this one was the mildest of them all in which case means that no anal invasion happened in this story. Lmao. (goodness, I just said that)

Mr. Wolffe's Little Red by Maggie Ryan
Some people would call her crazy, others would condemn her for her lifestyle choices, but none of those understood. Though she didn’t understand everything either, all she needed to know was that she loved Drake Wolffe with every fiber of her being.

This is the part where I literally vomited. It was too much, the things that they've done were so fucking overboard and I wasn't prepared so I ran to the bathroom and threw up. These two were insane, I can't even.

Goldi in Chains by Maren Smith
When too big meets too hot, it's always just right.

At this point, I was too ill to continue but I still did and barely survived by skimming the pages. This is a foursome activity, that is all much there to know.

The Tower by Jennifer Bene
When kings make bad decisions, sometimes it's the princesses who bear the burden. Tortured, tormented, and used for dark purposes, you're in for a ride. Tread lightly, the nightmare doesn't end when Rapunzel leaves The Tower this time.

This one features rape and sexual harassment which was later on joined by a severe Stockholm Syndrome.

Nightmares in Wonderland by Addison Cain
This is where the romance ends and the nightmares begin.

This is a dark and twisted tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland where in Alice have this chronic masturbation disease, I guess? Lol I don't know, but she basically chopped her husband in the end.
