A review by jmanchester0
Always Punch Nazis by Various, Ben Ferrari


I was doubly excited to get this, because right-wing conservatives (see Breitbart) tried to get this Kickstarter shut down. Because apparently these conservatives identify with Nazis now. That's the world we live in. If you write a comic book about being violent toward Nazis, then conservatives and Republicans will try to shut it down - is it because they're all pretty much the same? By the way, you know that the Nazi side is always wrong, right? There's not 'very fine people on both sides' of this issue. There's the right side and the Nazi side. If you come down on the Nazi side you are always wrong. Just my PSA for today. And if that's the side you want to come down on, then you've chosen your side. And it's the side of wrong and the side of evil.

Why is it easy for me to say this about Republicans and conservatives? Why is it that I seem so intolerant? That I can't agree to disagree? Or see both sides of an issue? It's because when Trump called Nazis "very fine people", his supporters didn't condemn him. Conservatives and Republicans didn't seem to have an issue with it. I'm sorry, but the day you don't condemn Nazi rhetoric is the day you condone Nazi rhetoric; the day you condone evil. Republicans and conservatives have condoned evil. And they don't care. As long as rich white man keep getting richer, that's the important thing.

And if you've chosen that side, I don't know what else to say besides the fact that you chose the wrong side. You chose the side of evil. And if you profess to be a Christian? Well that's just fucked up. Because Christians condoning evil, Christians condoning Nazis? Wow. You've just taken the teachings of Jesus ran them right off the rails.

Never mind that you condone that the president thinks it's OK to walk up to any woman he wants and grab their privates. To take what he wants from any woman - just walk up to any woman he wants and kiss them. Now let's condone sexual assault.

So I struggle with comics like this. Now we're in a difficult position. How do we react to hate and violence? By just sitting by and watching? We can't do that. But what do we do? We need to fight - but it's difficult to figure out what form that fight takes. We always hear that the pen is mightier than the sword - but you need someone to wield it proficiently. This comic is a good start. We need start by publicly condemning this kind of rhetoric and hate.

But we can't stop there. And I don't know what's next. But we can't stop there.

This was an excellent anthology to remind us we must always keep fighting. Against injustice. Against hate. And anyone that condemns a fight against hate and injustice is complicit in that hate and injustice. 

Anyone who supports Trump in light of him calling Nazis "very fine people" or bragging about assaulting women are complicit in this hate.