A review by fearoflung
Between by Jessica Warman


I have to be honest, when I first started this book, I did not think I was going to finish it. The main characters aggravated me, and the story seemed so typical. Popular girl and unpopular boy are thrown together and both of them find out that the other one is not so bad or different after all. Everyone has struggles and no one has a perfect life. I was very wrong. Even though Liz is a popular girl and Alex is unpopular, and even though they do find out things about each other that they do not expect, this book is anything but your typical popular girl meets unpopular boy story. This is a ghost story, a mystery, a kind of love story, and a story of secrets. It speaks to the fact that there are consequences to your actions, the smallest decision you make can change the course of the rest of your life and afterlife as the case is in this book. The story was very real and kept me guessing the entire way. Normally, I figure things out pretty quickly with mystery stories because I have read so much and seen so many movies and shows that I can usually pick out who the person responsible is before the end. This time, I had no idea what was going to happen. I was completely shocked at the outcome of the story. I was blown away. I loved the book!