A review by ariel_bloomer
Guide to Getting It On! by Daerick Gröss, Paul Joannides


I so enjoyed reading this book, and read it cover-to-cover in all it's 850-page glory. It's not an ideal book for carrying around and reading on lunch breaks-- I had it propped open on my table and the waitress walked up to find the chapter heading "Balls! Balls! Balls!" staring her in the face.

Anyway, what I liked best about this book:
the accessible, comfortable, informal tone
information presented for both genders
attempt to be comprehensive, while recognizing it can't possibly be and making useful book recommendations for more in-depth coverage of certain subjects
references to Battlestar Galactica

It's a fun, sexy read and the best Human Sexuality text I've picked up-- which was thanks to a "Staff Picks" recommendation at Powell's Books.

[While I gave it 5-stars, it isn't perfect. Some passages, particularly those covering rape and sexual assault legalities made me cringe because of moments where sensitivity seemed sacrificed to forthrightness.]