A review by kidisitor
The Relationship Pact by Adriana Locke


This entire series has been brilliant, and this book is no exception. There is humor and sexual tension. There is also lots of emotional turmoil. Hollis (the Hero) has had a rough past and while he has grown and 'moved on' to become the man he is today, he still holds a lot of hurt which causes him to lack the confidence he needs to be in a intimate relationship with someone. He has plenty of confidence in the general sense, just not when it comes to relationships. He feels unworthy. Larissa (the Heroine) just came off a long term relationship, and swore off men, especially athletes. That is until she bumped into Hollis (college football star.) The two form a mutual beneficial relationship. (And no... not a friends with benefits type of one.) Of course as the two get to know each other, they form a bond, but will their past hurts hinder things from moving forward? This is a well written story and it flows smoothly and easily. There is some sexual content. The characters are well developed and enjoyable. This is part of a series (each book features a different couple, and written by a different author,) but the boys are all friends and each make small appearances in the others books. You can read in any order without issues or spoilers.