A review by squishies
Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs


I love how interconnected Briggs' series are (so many mentions of Mercy, Adam, etc) - definitely makes the world building just that much deeper and rich.

While the situations Anna and Charles get into aren't world ending (which I'm grateful for), they're still pretty intense. This started off pretty spooky with whole town of people vanishing without a trace and Leah's haunting past.
SpoilerThen it got real creepy with the reveal of the Singer in the Woods, and the reveal of Leah's past (also pretty sad). And then descended into disturbing on finding more about the Singer and its means to propagate.

Definitely mixed feelings on how they managed to kill the Singer (mostly - I really do enjoy the tidbits on what Coyote does). I'm glad its gone, but perturbed on how it was killed.

Poor, poor Leah. All this time... I remember really disliking her in Mercy's series, but mellowed out as Anna's series progressed. Very interested in seeing how Bran and her sort things out, though I do have low expectations - that's a huge thing to talk through and forgive.

And oh man... Also poor Samuel and his partner, having to essentially give up their child. No doubt Anna and Charles would be great at it, but oh the secrets.