A review by jchant
The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland by Amy Klobuchar


My friend Bonnie, who lives in Minneapolis, always gives me a Minnesota-themed book for Christmas. For Christmas 2015, this was the Minnesota book, and not only was it hardcover (we usually give each other paperbacks), but it was signed and inscribed to me by Senator Klobuchar herself! Bonnie included a note telling me all about how she came to get the book for me, and needless to say, I was blown away.

I immediately started reading this on Christmas Day, and found Senator Klobuchar's stories from her life and political career fascinating and inspiring. I was especially interested to learn about her childhood. Her father was a long-time columnist for the Minneapolis StarTribune, and I remember reading his columns about the biking and backpacking trips that he took with Amy over the years. It was interesting to read her take on her father and her experiences growing up.

Senator Klobuchar also spent a good portion of the book on her involvement in Democratic party politics in Minnesota and her experiences as Hennepin County Attorney (I remember my dad telling me what a fantastic job she did in this position) and as the senior senator from Minnesota. I am particularly impressed with how she has reached out to Republican colleagues in the Senate and House to work toward legislation that benefits both parties and the American people, as well.

I won't get into much of the politics here, but if you are interested in a well-written and thoroughly interesting memoir, I recommend this book wholeheartedly.