A review by spacewhombus
Letter to a Stranger: Essays to the Ones Who Haunt Us by Colleen Kinder

emotional funny inspiring reflective sad


I knew I would love this book and I did not disappoint myself lol. This book is a collection of letters from a huge selection of authors to strangers they met that have impacted their lives in some way. 

Most are really short, like just a page or two, but a couple were longer. Since each was very different, I read this over a really long time and only chose a couple to read each day. It was organized by different themes, and my favorites were "chemistry" and "goodbyes"! I definitely shed many tears while reading this because some stories were just so moving! I only disliked a couple of them out of the tons that are included in this book. 

I also couldn't stop thinking about the different strangers I might write a short letter to about how they impacted my life- this book really makes you see the small things differently and appreciate people who might not be major players in your life but still have made a big difference.