A review by novelesque_life
Every Last Lie: A Gripping Novel of Psychological Suspense by Mary Kubica


Rating: 2.5 STARS
2017; Mira/Harlequin

Before Nick and his daughter, Maisie return home from ballet class, they stop off to get Chinese food. Clara waits at home with their infant son, Felix. Instead of returning home, Nick has been killed in a car accident (Maisie survives without a scratch). The police rule it as an accident, with Nick at fault. Clara is devastated. She cannot tell her daughter that Nick is dead and soon starts to suspect maybe his death is more than accident.

This is my second novel by Kubica, and the second time she goes back and forth between before and after an incident. In this case there is before Nick dies and that is told through Nick's point of view. Then there is after he dies, that is Clara's point of view. I liked the first half of the novel, then it started to get a bit weird. I found the ending not satisfying at all. I get the allure of taking the story that way, but it just left me feeling disappointed. Again it was hard to connect with the characters, but at least this time they were fleshed out a bit more. I think I am going to pass on Kubica for now...or maybe try an audio version and see if that can bring the characters come to life.

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

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