A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
A Time of Dread by John Gwynne


Dear John, As a book blogger who thought that she had already read the best in fantasy, is outrageously proved wrong and now isn’t really sure how I am going to write this review. I want to do A Time Of Dread justice, I want my blog readers to pick this one up and above all I want them to feel the emotions that you wrought upon me. The feelings that I got when I opened the book until the point when I closed the end cover and took a deep breath, as I realised that I hadn’t just read a book but had consumed art.

The Fantasy genre Is where my imagination can run wild and free. I can forget my cares and my obligations and just become at one with the story. It’s far easier to imagine an outnumbered battle against an unknown evil than face real life, at least I think so. I can be armoured and protected, a shield wall protecting me from danger. That was until I read, A Time Of Dread. The shield wall got obliterated, it’s remains scattered around my feet. The introductions of Bleda, Riv and Drem left me trying to pick up the pieces but missing parts/information made it futile.

Each page was turned, and I could feel my wall dropping. A Time Of Dread takes place approximately 120 years after the events of Wrath which also took place within The Banished Lands. It’s told in four perspectives, Bleda, the warrior prince who is taken as a ward to cement peace between two warring clans. Riv, a very hot-headed wing-wing in training. Sig, a bear riding giant. Drem, a young buck that lives with his dad and learns all manner of things such as trapping, but why are they always moving on?

One thing that John Gwynne excels at is his masterful skill at characterisation. Yes, the plot and the world building is the pedigree dogs’ bollocks but if you can’t care for the characters then really what is the point? I would actually struggle to name another author that has nailed it quite like Gwynne has. Struggling to get into adult SFF then I urge you to pick this up, the author has the key to unlock your hesitations. The craft is so skilful that I could almost touch every element. I’m surprised the novel wasn’t pulsing with a heartbeat was the obvious passion and love pouring out from every page.

Gwynne is a talent that outshines many others. The battle scenes, the grief and suffering and the blood. It all ties together into a rare thing – a perfect fantasy novel. The cinematic scenes coming to life – this is something that John Gwynne can do in a mere sentence, such is his talent. I haven’t read the other books based in the Banished Lands, but I will be rectifying it and it certainly didn’t hinder my enjoyment of A Time Of Dread.

A Time Of Dread is an epic fantasy full of action and ambitious family ties. Vividly characterised with a highly octane journey makes it a no brainer. The writing has a strong voice and I can’t wait to immerse myself in this world again.