A review by tomhardygirl
Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter



My feelings for this book were very much akin to the hate/love yo–yo described within it; halfway through I was almost sure I hated Pieces of Her and that it would amount to nothing more than a one star hate read but by the end, I was weepy and teary eyed the way I always am by the end of every Karin Slaughter book. The enjoyment was back.

See, the thing is, she always brings you back by the end, regardless of your feelings beforehand and—I have to admit, by the middle, my feelings were nothing more than pure dread and contempt. There came a point where I had to absolutely drag myself through this book and was entirely ready to give it up, unsure of how it could possibly get any better from there. The only thing that that pushed me through was the sheer desire to finish, as by the middle, I had lost any faith that this would be worth it in the end.

Which, in all honesty, sucked, because I’ve enjoyed so many of Karin’s books all the way through thus far, and I expected the same with Pieces of Her, as I loved loved loved the beginning portion (and adored the end), but there was just something so monumentally boring about the middle that I could hardly get through. Perhaps it can be attributed to the fact that I didn’t think it was going to go the route that it did (with the terrorism) and I scarcely expected it to be so bland for so long. It’s obvious that portion of build up was needed, but to me it just felt so dull and monotonous following such a strong beginning.

I’m still very thankful I pushed through, as by the end, I truly did enjoy my time with this book and Andrew, my dear Andrew ❤️