A review by jackieeh
The Legend of the King by Gerald Morris


:( D'awww. This hurt my heart a little. It's the tenth and final book in a series I started reading on one of the awkward couches in Mrs. Breault's sixth grade book group. So there goes my childhood.
It was good to see Terence, Gawain, Dinaden, and the rest of the crew again, but I don't think it's much of a surprise to those who know about my love of the third book in the series, The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf, that I was happiest to see Lynet and Gaheris again. And if there's one thing I love that runs a close second to my favorite characters riding off into the sunset together, it's when my favorite characters get kickass death scenes. So there's that.
Of course, this all came with Gerald Morris's creeping anti-Catholicism (par for the course in a lot of Arthuriana, but particularly irritating here since he seems to go out of his way to make all the holy men encountered as Protestant-sounding as possible) and kind of subtle homophobia (mitigated this time around by the eleventh-hour heroism of Sir Griflet and the fact that the only pair of characters who ride off into the sunset together are Dinaden and Palomides even though they-are-totally-straight-omg...or not), but those are things I'm willing to overlook in order to put myself back in my sixth-grade mindset where Gawain was hot and Terence was awesome and nothing else mattered.
Thanks, Gerald. It's been a good ten years.