A review by booksonthebrain20
The Worlds We Make by Megan Crewe


Kaelyn and her group of survivors flee Toronto and the Wardens with the precious vaccine that could stop the "friendly flu" in its tracks. Making their way way through rough conditions and pursuers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the vaccine, the group begins to fall apart. Resolved to get the vaccine into the right hands, Kaelyn is forced to confront issues of right and wrong in the midst of survival and, more terrifyingly, the question of whether there is the "right hands" for the vaccine at all.

I am a huge fan of plague novels, and I particularly like when teenagers are faced with saving the world. With no power over world events, their young age and place on the cusp of adulthood is perfectly suited for a coming of age/hero's journey sort of tale. Kaelyn has grown throughout the books from a scared young girl to someone who has to take on a tremendous amount of responsibility. She becomes a leader and, in this book, she has to make the tough and sometimes terrible decisions true leader does. This book surprised me in several places. Crewe isn't afraid of making tough decisions in the narrative. The result is sad and bittersweet, but ultimately hopeful.

This trilogy is fantastically written and a real journey. I look forward to reading it many times.