A review by fidoe
A Promised Land by Barack Obama


Week 8 Book 14
A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Rating: 3/5

Finally finished listening to this book on Audible. Not a fan of politics, least of all American Politics, but irrespective of his success or failure as a President, I've admired Obama as a man, a husband, and a father.

I enjoyed listening to parts of the book, in his deep baritone. Parts about his early life, education, career, how he met Michelle, life as a husband and then father, all his experiences with a mixed family that ranged from Hawaii to Kenya to Indonesia!

Some parts of his political career were interesting too, like his campaign experiences, the people he encountered and worked with. How life was at the White House, how he connected with his staff, how the family tried to live as normal a life as possible.

Rest of it was super boring for me. All the discussion about how American Politics works, the things he did or wanted to do but couldn't, the diplomatic relations with various countries and a detailed description of the Bin Laden assassination. Also it ended rather abruptly.

I honestly preferred Becoming by Michelle Obama :)