A review by johnlynchbooks
Bird Box by Josh Malerman


Have you ever put a book on your TBR shelf meaning to read it, KNOWING you should read it ASAP but for some reason keep putting it off. For reasons unknown, you just kept picking something else up off the shelf. Finally the day comes where you pick the book up and you don’t put it down until you’re finished. That just happened to me with Josh Malerman’s “Bird Box” and I really want to slap myself in the face for waiting so long.

For those who haven’t read the book or watched the movie, Bird Box follows Malorie and her journey through what seems to be the apocalypse. People are going mad and nobody knows why. The only thing anybody knows is those who went mad saw SOMETHING prior to losing their minds. Malerman goes back and forth through two different time periods(the onset of the event, and 4 years after) effortlessly. Malorie is a character that you genuinely care for and you find yourself terrified along side her in a world where what is UNSEEN can be much more terrifying than the horrors of the seen world. Malerman crafts a world where the human danger is just as real as “creatures”. This book had me on the edge of my seat, flipping page after page, chapter after chapter.

Bird Box is an exceptional novel. In 2019 I’ve read many amazing books and I’m pleased to say that Bird Box stands amongst the best of them. This an absolute must read. I give my highest recommendation to anyone looking for a good horror novel. I couldn’t put it down, and I doubt you will either.

5/5 for Bird Box, by Josh Malerman