A review by alienclans
The Dark Dark: Stories by Samantha Hunt


I really liked this collection. I thought the author did a wonderful job establishing the characters and conveying a meaning in such few pages. I was truly invested. The stories also felt satisfying in a way that short stories sometimes don’t. One of my favorite things about short stories is when they explore things most readers don’t want to explore in depth. The characters can be more abrasive because you don’t have to spend 300+ pages with them.

I’m really interested in reading more from Hunt.

Favorite: A Love Story
It was such a beautiful story. I guess you could say it’s about a middle aged woman exploring her place in the world after having three children and her relationship with her husband. I’m in my early twenties, have no children, and have no husband but I could relate to the woman and I felt her emotions. I understood her perspective. That’s what a story should do.

Some quotes that stood out to me:

“In the middle of the night it’s easy to hate myself as much as the world hates me.”

“What’s the difference between living and imagining? What’s the difference between love and security? Coyotes are not moral.”

“Who will I be without Sam? Without kids? I can hear how well-intentioned people at Sam’s funeral will say, “Just be yourself.” But there is no self left. Why would there be? From one small body I made three new humans. It took everything I had to make them. Liver? Take it. Self-worth? It’s all yours. New people require natural resources and everyone knows the laws of the universe: you don’t get something for nothing. Why wouldn’t I be hollowed out? I grew three complex beauties. I made their lungs and noses. Who can’t understand this basic math?
The strangest part of these calculations is that I don’t even mind. Being hollow is the best way to be. Being hollow means I can fill myself with stars or light or rose petals if I want. I’m glad everything I once was is gone and my children are here instead. They’ve erased the individual and I am grateful. The individual was not special in the first place. And really, these new humans I made are a million times better than I ever was.”