A review by amberjoy94
Out of the Wild Night by Marina Vivancos


This series has easily become one of my favs. Marina knows how to write such a relatable character and you can feel their pain and the way they slowly start to accept love. 

The little coven found family is everything. The way they take care of their own. Mason being skeptical of Connie, Charlie, Cross, Roman, and Tyler at first but he slowly started to open up and accept them. 

“Some families you were born into. Others, he was realising, you found.”

Mason and Roman’s friendship was everything. Neither one of them having that friend to rely on and ask for advice or just hang out with. I’m glad they found that in each other 🥹
Even Mason’s friendship with Cross was so simple but he some how knew that Cross just needed someone to be there even if they sat in silence. 

Charlie and Mason though🥴  
After Mason’s rough childhood, he swore off relationships and love and he always felt like he was not deserving of anything more. But wow Charlie was there to show him that he deserved so much and he was there to give it. Top tier. 

“I love you so much. I love you with everything I have, Mason. Nothing in this world is unlovable, and you least of all. All the proof you have is that you are so very fucking loved, darlin’.” 

I received this arc in exchange for an honest review