A review by liadra
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson


To be honest, I didn't finish reading this book. I still give it a three star rating because what I did read of it I enjoyed. Except...

Two things went on with this novel that led to my ultimately not finishing. The first being it is very science heavy - which in and of itself isn't a problem, but coupled with the second factor, did make it one. The second factor being the movement of the novel into the action/plot was so very slow that I found myself unable to sustain interest. Which was a shame - the story *sounded* like it probably was going to be very interesting, but I just couldn't get through the intro slog to that story. Because my copy was large print (just happened to be the book I was able to get my hands on) it's hard to say exactly how far along I got before throwing in the towel, but certainly more than 100 pages in that format.

I think that this may be a book that at another time I may have more patience to sit and plow my way through to when things start to pick up. Sometimes books are like that - it's just not the time nor place for them when you first stumble upon them. The writing itself was good. The characters were interesting. I just wanted more to be going on and it wasn't. Perhaps that's the bane of science fiction - sometimes the science setup slows you down.