A review by sooky
The Winters by Lisa Gabriele


“Last night Rebekah tried to murder me again.” Creepy ass opening line is creepy!

I’ve never read Daphne Maurier’s Rebecca, the book that inspired The Winters, so I can’t possibly tell how it compares. I kind of feel like I should read Rebecca, but also… What for now? #bookwormdilemmas

Suggested bookworm drinking game: every time I say ‘pleasant’ with regards to this book, you drink a shot. I’m warning you though. It’s not for lightweights!

The Winters could be best described as pleasant. Quite eerie, with lovely prose and an even pace, this book is the very definition of pleasant. It’s nice. However, as a friend of mine once pointed out, you don’t want someone to describe you as just ‘nice‘. Why not amazing? Brilliant even?

The story unfolds from our unnamed protagonist’s perspective. She’s a pleasant young woman, who lives on a lovely island and works hard because she’s not particularly fortunate in life. When she meets Max, this pleasant, older gentleman, he sweeps her off her feet in a few short weeks.

Away he takes her, all the way to Asherly, this beautiful mansion on a private island. The staff is pleasant enough, the in-laws are friendly, and even Dani, Max’s teenaged daughter is only mildly rebellious. You see, she’s trying to be unpleasant, but her half assed attempts to be defiant and confrontational with the new lady of the house just seem kind of pathetic and not scary or alarming at all. Everyone keeps ignoring her antics anyway. Everyone is so bloody reasonable!

I can’t say the suspense was killing me, but as time went by in the life of our characters, more and more secrets got unearthed, and the resolution was pretty neat.

I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style, and will be on the lookout for more stories by Lisa Gabriele.