A review by alwaysreadingreview
Riverstorm by Tess Thompson


This is Book #5 in the River Valley series.  I have not read the other books in this series, but I want to.   This was about second chances.  If you were hurt by an ex, who did something awful, would you forgive him and give him a second chance?  I am not sure if I could, but there were some personal events that led to that awful thing.

Both Grant and Liz are dealing with their lives being overwhelmed so they go away, but not together.  They end up in the same town and both are dealing with family secrets.  Is it fate that they are both in the same town?

I loved this book.  I hope their is a book about Liz's sister, Peggy.  I also want to go read the other books in this series.

Goodreads is giving away 2 copies of this book.  Go check it out!!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!