A review by whothehelliskaitlin
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Did not finish book.
I am about half-way through this book and I keep waiting for the moment where I am going to fall in love with the characters or the story and it just isn't happening. Everyone was hyping this book up so much that I really wanted to love it, I was so excited when it finally arrived but it is taking me a while to get through it and I find that I am forcing myself to get through the chapters the same way that I force myself to read school books. To me the whole story falls flat. The premise sounded promising but I don't think it was executed well. I am not interested in jumping back and forth between past summers and the present, especially when nothing remotely interesting happened in the past and nothing really seems to be happening in the present either. On top of that you have to wait half the book to find out what the conflict was that drove these two characters apart just to find out it was a silly conversation that could have been resolved two years ago. Seriously, these characters have been in love with each other for literally 12 years but denied it to themselves, each other, everyone. The characters themselves I did not find interesting at all and I also had a hard time imagining what they looked like in my head. Two stars because the book wasn't horrible, maybe just not for me. The writing and the story itself were just boring and flat to me, and I don't think I am a fan of friends to lovers (at least when it takes this long to get going).

EDIT: Coming back to say that this book is so boring and I am so uninterested in it that I am not finishing it. I am around 150 pages in and giving up. My rating would be 2 stars.