A review by molsreads
Embrace the Night Eternal by Colleen Gleason, Joss Ware


I really enjoyed the first installment of this series and immensely enjoyed this book. I still think the romance aspect is a little lacking but I love, love the world Ware has built.

This book is about Simon Japp who is truly an outsider. He was an outsider in his life before the global disaster all but obliterated the Earth, and when he awakes 50 years later to this post-apocalyptic world he is the outsider among the other men who also experienced this mysterious Rip Van Winkle number. I'm always a sucker for tortured heroes and Simon has quite a past. I think he really made this book for me. Although, I kinda felt like we didn't quite get all his past. We learn about his violent past, as the right hand man for one of Vegas' biggest mobsters, but we never really learned how he got into that position. At least, I don't remember if this was explained. I read this a few weeks ago and am just now getting to review it.

So anyone else who's read this series did we find out how Simon ended up entangled with the mob? When reading I kept thinking, there's something more to this story. Something about his childhood or upbringing that we're missing. So, Kristie(j), you're the one who turned me on to this series. Do you remember? I'm pretty sure we didn't get that info. In any case, I felt like if I had just a little bit more about his background it would have made it a little more satisfying.

I really liked the heroine Sage who, because of her heritage, is also an outsider. Judged because of where she comes from. I thought she and Simon made a good pair.

I was a little miffed with Theo in this one. I was really intrigued by him in the first book and he was kind of a dope to Sage in this book. But I'm still looking forward to his book.

All in all, a good second book. I'm impressed by the world building but still wish for a pinch more smexy lovin'.