A review by uberbutter
How to Cook a Moose: A Culinary Memoir by Kate Christensen


How to Cook a Moose by Kate Christensen
298 pages

★★ ½

Ok, this book is subtitled as a culinary memoir but I would more likely subtitle it as an ode to all things Maine. This memoir follows the life of Kate as she moves from New York to Maine to be with her partner. I picked it up because the title intrigued me. But honestly? I was pretty bored throughout. My husband caught me whispering more than once “Yes, I get it. Maine is awesome”. And perhaps Maine is awesome (never been in that direction myself – my memoir would be an ode to Colorado) but that’s not why I picked it up, I picked it up because I expected more culinary aspects. There were foody sections but not as much as I would have liked. On the plus, there were some interesting recipes within (none that I’ll probably actually try making though) and her food descriptions got my tummy grumbling at times. Overall, just an ok read for me. For being its page length, it took me WAY too long to get through.